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Hayabusa DSR132 Drop Shot Hooks

Hayabusa DSR132 Drop Shot Hooks

Regular price $4.49
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Hayabusa DSR132 Drop Shot Hooks

Finesse bass fishing is a staple fishing tactic for bass fishermen around the globe. Bass anglers debate about the necessity of finesse fishing everyday. Truth is, as the sport’s evolution continues, finesse fishing has become a tremendously important part of tournament fishing. Without it, tournament anglers would struggle to catch five fish limits at different parts of the season. Most bass fishermen recognize the important role finesse fishing plays in remaining competitive and relevant. In general, it is common sense to suggest that, regardless of what type of fishing an angler views as beneficial, fishing hook designs matter. The same applies to drop shot bass fishing. The DSR132 Finesse Hook improves drop shot fishing via simplicity, sharpness, and shape. Clear, deep fisheries often require extreme finesse fishing measures, and the DSR 132 Finesse Hook produces results.

The DSR132 Finesse Hook has a special purpose. It provides the ultimate traditional finesse fish catching experience. Bass fishermen who fish deep, clear water will find this finesse fishing hook extremely helpful. This drop shot hook features a light wire diameter to utilizes its U-Bend shank shape. Both its light wire diameter and its shape improve hookset penetration on lighter fishing line. Hayabusa Fishing aimed to design a basic, yet highly effective drop shot fishing hook (also usable with other light rig techniques) that proved dependable with small and/or large bass. This fishing hook helps thousands of bass fishermen around the world in catching bass of all sizes. Basically, the DSR 132 Finesse Hook has a singular finesse fishing purpose, but it is dependable in catching different sizes of largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and spotted bass. Sharp, durable, and light wire … The DSR132 Finesse Hook answers the challenge of choosing the correct fishing hook for traditional drop shot fishing techniques.

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